• Actuarial Careers, Inc. Exclusively dedicated to the placement and advancement of Chief Actuaries, FSAs, ASAs, and Pre-ASAs.
• Actuarial Jobs from DW Simpson Actuarial jobs for actuaries in casualty, life, health, pension, investment, benefits and other actuary disciplines. Entry level through ASA, FSA, ACAS, FCAS and CEO.
• Career Clinic, Inc. Combines personnel services, employment agency counseling, and recruiting for job searches to support our client companies across the Pacific Northwest and the USA.
• Darwin Rhodes Specializing in the placement of actuarial, employee benefits, insurance and financial planning professionals.
• Davids & Co An Executive Search Boutique dedicated to creating, managing and delivering recruitment solutions to Individuals and Companies in all sectors of Insurance, Banking & Financial.
• Mitchell Group Recruiting for actuarial employment at all levels from student to Fellow, and for all types of positions ranging from consultants to the purely technical.
• Northstar Management Recruiters Recruitment of property & casualty actuaries and underwriters of all levels from entry to senior executive leadership positions.
• Stewart Search Advisors Actuarial recruiting firm with nationwide and international jobs. Actuarial careers in life/health insurance, consulting, reinsurance, pension, and investments.